
agricultural district中文是什么意思

  • 农业城市
  • 农业区



  • 例句与用法
  • Baodi is an agricultural district of tianjin . three " hot " crops ( green onion , garlic , and aquila pepper ) are baodi ' s main cash crops and products with peculiar features . as mainstay of baodi ' s agriculture , the development of the 3 hot crops has been planned for the long term
    宝坻区是天津市的一个以农业为主的区县, “三辣” (大葱、大蒜、天鹰椒)是宝坻区的主要经济作物和地方特色产品,被确定为宝坻农业的主导产业,并制定了长远规划。
  • Finally , the author puts forward the countermeasures and the suggestions in the development of the animal husbandry in jiuquan oasis , which are to confirm the rational amount of domestic animal loaded ; to protect the meadow resource and to develop the high - quality artificial meadow energeti cally ; to implement the virtual water strategy in order to alleviate the ecological environment pressure in jiuquan oasis ; to advance the industrialization process of animal husbandry energetically ; to process and utilize crops by product in the agricultural district ; to strengthen the construction of shelter forest of qilian mountains ; to organize the seasonal production of the animal husbandry ; to popularize the fatten poultries technology in the other land ; to strengthen the rational planning of the production of the animal husbandry ; to increase fund input ; to accelerate the basic construction of the animal husbandry and to prevent and cure the grassland which mouse hurt
  • 百科解释
In United States agricultural law, agricultural district is a planning term which defines an area within a local jurisdiction where farming is the preferred economic activity. Districts may be voluntarily created by landowners who receive benefits, usually in return for not developing the land for a certain number of years, or they may be designated in a local land use plan.
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
agricultural district的中文翻译,agricultural district是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译agricultural district,agricultural district的中文意思,agricultural district的中文agricultural district in Chineseagricultural district的中文agricultural district怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
